It's time to wean myself from this blog as I have to get ready for
the trip! We got our rail passes and yen yesterday and now I have to focus on packing and getting the house ready (i.e. clean out the fridge) so it won't be a total disaster when we return in mid October. I also have a ton of things to mail out and tie up lots of loose ends, pronto!

I was presented the MeMe award from the very sweet
Anne Gaal a while ago and I hesitated, not in the acceptance, but I have to divulge 7 secrets about myself and pass this award on to 7 others. Yikes! If I divulge secrets....then they won't be secrets anymore now will they? So I decided to share
little known facts about me which aren't as juicy as secrets but here goes...
1. I am shrinking. I know it comes with age but I was shocked at my last doctor's visit to learn that I am 4 feet 9 and three quarters of an inch tall! OMG! I think I was that height in third grade!!
2. I am not overweight. I'm undertall.
3. I love pasta. Noodles. Carbs. Whatever you want to call it. Which probably contributes to number two.
4. My proudest memento is a POW bracelet that I wore in the 70's and the soldier whose name is on that bracelet returned safely home and wrote me a letter which I have till this day. I'm still amazed at how he managed to track me down.
5. This is probably the only true secret: I love to play "Animal Crossing" on my DS and the Wii. I blame this on my daughters and my niece who gave me everything and encouraged me to play this very addicting game.
6. I never thought I would be corresponding with friends in Malaysia, Germany, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Venezuela, Great Britain, England, Denmark--international friends!! The postal clerks are thrilled that I'm helping them keep their jobs and they love to guess where I'm sending my next parcel.
7. I never thought I would have a blog. Not me. Are you kidding? But now that I have one, I hope that I can keep it and maintain it for years to come if it means that I can keep in touch with all of you.
So now I must pass this award on to 7 others and they are, in alpha order:
Please visit their blogs for tons of fun and inspiration. A very big Mahalo to Anne for the honor of receiving the MeMe and for letting me share a bit of me.